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Group vs Individual Therapy for Addiction Recovery

A man standing up and addressing a group of people in a therapy session.
Learn about the difference between individual and group therapy for addiction and how both can help your recovery today.

There’s a saying that competitive swimming is almost two different sports. In a typical swim meet, there are individual events and group events or relays. Solo races have a completely different feel, with all the focus and pressure on you. Your own effort and willpower are all you have to push for the finish line.

In swimming relays, it’s a different story. If one person in the relay has a bad race, the other members can make up for it. And the sense of camaraderie that’s built between team members can give you extra motivation. This contrast shares many similarities with individual and group therapy in addiction treatment.

If you or a loved one is thinking about addiction treatment, it’s natural to think about the types of therapy you’ll see in rehab. In this post, we’re going to explain the difference between group and individual therapy and how both can help your recovery.

How Individual Therapy Helps Your Recovery

Individual therapy is when you talk one-on-one with a therapist or addiction counselor. This type of therapy is more personal, and you can expect to talk about your own unique story about addiction. It also gives you the opportunity to share any private issues that need to be resolved during the healing process.

The benefits of individual therapy include the following:

Individual Therapy Can Help Kick Off the Recovery Process

It’s common for people to be a little intimidated by group therapy. Speaking about your addiction and issues with a group of people takes some getting used to. With individual therapy, it’s easier to get used to opening up, since the conversations with your therapist are private. Individual therapy is a great way to practice sharing your emotions and thoughts in recovery.

Individual Therapy Gives You Flexibility to Address Your Unique Challenges

Individual therapy can be very flexible in your recovery. For example, let’s say you’re having trouble with stress and anxiety. In individual therapy, you would have the option to slow down and fully address the issue. Your therapist could help you uncover the root cause. It’s harder for this to occur in group therapy, since what you’re having trouble with might not apply to everyone.

A Personalized Approach to Recovery

When you’re talking one-on-one with a therapist, you’ll get direct feedback on your progress. As individual therapy for addiction moves forward, your therapist will get a better understanding of your situation. From there, they can create a personalized approach that gives you the opportunity to reach lasting recovery. The further you go in individual therapy, the more hope and trust you’ll build with your therapist.

How Group Therapy Helps Your Addiction Recovery

Group therapy is when two or more people follow the instruction of a trained therapist. People in group therapy usually do not know each other and sessions are usually focused on broader topics, such as coping techniques and symptom management.

The benefits of group therapy include the following:

Group Therapy Offers A Built-In Support System

Making your way through addiction therapy isn’t always easy. One of the main benefits of group therapy is that you’ll have a built-in support system. The other members of group therapy know what it’s like to struggle with addiction. Think of how comforting it would be to have social support for any problems you’re currently facing.

Group Therapy Offers More Opportunities for Social Connections

When you’re in addiction recovery, it’s common to feel alone or isolated. And since you might have cut ties with anyone who was enabling your addiction, finding new relationships can be intimidating. But with group therapy for addiction, you’ll have the opportunity to forge strong bonds with other group members. In fact, many people in group therapy often stay in touch after treatment.

Group Therapy Helps You Relearn Important Social Skills and Empathy

Group therapy for addiction can help you learn how to express your emotions in a healthy way. Thanks to other group members, you’ll get better at listening to others and empathizing with their experiences. Since group therapy takes place in a safe and healing environment, you can share your thoughts without the fear of being judged or shamed.

Which Type of Addiction Therapy is Better?

It’s common for people to wonder if one addiction treatment is better than the other. The truth is, one isn’t necessarily more beneficial. Individual and group therapy for addiction both have their own benefits and are equally needed throughout the recovery process.

At an addiction recovery program like The Raleigh House, you’ll work with our team to develop a personalized treatment approach that’s best for your unique situation. You’ll then participate in both individual and group therapy sessions daily to help you get to the bottom of your addiction and mental health challenges and connect with others who are struggling just like you are.

Find Hope for Lasting Sobriety at The Raleigh House

At The Raleigh House, we know that addiction has the potential to steal your peace of mind and hope for a brighter tomorrow. But you have the ability to take it all back. And the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone.

The Raleigh House offers a gold standard continuum of care that can support you no matter where you are in your recovery. Just like your addiction, recovery doesn’t happen overnight, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. It might be lonely and painful where you are now, but you have the ability to change that and recover.

If you’re interested in making a change, contact our expert addiction recovery team today. We’ll help you find the best way to move your recovery forward. And rest assured that the bravery you show by finding help for your addiction clears the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Call Now: 720-891-4657

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