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Benefits of Group Therapy

group therapy for addiction recoveryLast week, we explained the connection between the mind and body and how individual therapy can help you or a loved one recover from addiction.

Today we are going to explain why group therapy is critical for a recovering addict.

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is comprised of a small group that meets in person with a master’s level therapist. The sessions are typically open and enable those in the group to talk about the problems and challenges they are facing. Other members can give feedback if they have dealt with a similar situation.

In short, group therapy will give you or a loved one the chance to talk to people that can relate at a deeper level.

How Group Therapy Impacts Addiction Recovery

At its core, group therapy reinforces the concept that you aren’t alone and that you have help in the fight against addiction.

Benefits of group therapy include:

  • Building bonds that continue after the treatment program has been completed.
  • Mending broken relationships. Group therapy is a safe container to practice new communication skills and to correct behaviors and habits that have strained relationships with family and friends.
  • New perspective. In group therapy sessions, the recovering addict will see how other people view situations differently based on their personality and background. By observing how others approach a problem, you or your loved one can discover new strategies for managing addiction. 

What to Expect

Every person is different, so The Raleigh House creates a custom treatment program for every person. That being said, our clients typically spend 20 hours in formal group therapy each week. Because our clients spend time together during their stay at The Raleigh House, they will also benefit from informal group sessions with other recovering addicts and our professional, knowledgeable staff.

You or your loved one may also take part in fellowship programs including: Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Emotional Sobriety. We also encourage our clients to participate in ongoing community events, including softball tournaments, conventions, and sober holiday events.

Contact The Raleigh House Today

If you’d like to learn more about how group therapy can help you or a loved one recover from drug addiction, call us today at 720-891-4657.


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