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Emotional Therapy and Support

In our last blog post weemotional support with drug addiction treatment discussed why our focus on family education makes
our drug addiction treatment program more effective. Today we’re going to discuss how our focus on emotional therapy can help a loved one recover from drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a complex disease. It doesn’t necessarily start because someone has a lack of willpower or self-control. Instead, people may have started using because they are unhappy with a part of their life and are looking for an escape. They may also use drugs as a way to cope with strong emotions such as stress or anxiousness. In fact, it is not uncommon for addicts to have a “co-occurring condition” such as depression, PTSD, or an anxiety disorder.


Again, we believe that addiction is more than just using drugs or alcohol. By focusing on why someone started using drugs in the first place, we can help them find better ways to manage their emotions.

The Different Types of Emotional Support at The Raleigh House

At The Raleigh House, we understand that clients respond to certain types of therapy differently. That is why we have established multiple forms of emotional support that can be used during and after their treatment. Our four main methods of emotional support include:

  • Individual Therapy. Our clients meet with a therapist individually 2-3 times a week, giving them a safe container to express their emotions and how they are feeling throughout treatment.
  • Group Therapy. Group therapy gives clients the opportunity to connect with people who are dealing with similar struggles. It removes the feeling of isolation during a difficult time.
  • Community Involvement. While in the program, clients can attend fellowship programs, including AA (alcoholics anonymous), CA (cocaine anonymous), NA (narcotics anonymous), and Emotional Sobriety.
  • Nursing Services. The medical/nursing team is involved from the beginning and throughout treatment providing initial and on-going nursing and psychiatry assessments, medication management, education and observation.

If you’d like to learn more about how The Raleigh House can help a loved one recover from a drug addiction, call us today at 720-891-4657. You can also learn more by reading our family education blog post.


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