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What to Look for in a Mental Health Treatment Program

A woman talking to a therapist in mental health treatment.
Learn what to look for in a mental health treatment program today.

Ninety-three percent of consumers read online reviews before purchasing a product online. This isn’t a surprising statistic when you consider that it’s human nature to want reassurance before committing to a brand, product or service. This same psychology applies to making decisions about your health. If you’re searching for help with your mental health, you want a treatment program you can trust.

When you’re struggling with anxiety, depression or complex trauma, finding treatment that aligns with your needs can feel like a daunting task. Fortunately, there are four key characteristics to look for when considering mental health treatment programs.

How to Choose the Right Mental Health Treatment Center

From the treatment program’s approach to staff expertise, the following factors can help you choose the most effective mental health treatment program for your needs:

1. Mental Health Treatment with a Personalized Approach

Every mental health condition comes with its own unique challenges. Ideally, you’ll want to find a mental health treatment program that recognizes you as an individual. A premier mental health treatment center will have a detailed intake process that assesses your specific situation and identifies your unique struggles.

This approach ensures your treatment is personalized to you, treating your mental health disorder and addressing any co-occurring conditions that exist. For example, if you’re struggling with depression and have been drinking alcohol to cope, your personalized treatment plan will help you overcome substance abuse and find healthier ways to cope with your depression symptoms.

2. An Expert Staff You Can Trust

When you’re looking for a mental health treatment center, consider the team that would be caring for you. You will want to find a team of professionals who have proven experience in treating your mental health disorder and are diverse enough to offer different types of treatment to fit your needs. For example, experiential therapies like equine therapy may be more effective than private, one-on-one therapy, or vice versa.

You’ll also want to make sure that the mental health treatment staff functions as a collaborative team. Therapists, nurses, clinicians and other staff members should all work together for your best interest. For example, the staff at The Raleigh House are highly team-centric, focused on providing personalized care and awakening the very best version of each client during treatment.

3. Evidence-Based Treatment

It’s crucial to find mental health treatment that has history behind it. In other words, you should choose a program that uses proven techniques and evidence-based therapies in treating depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders.

For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a tried-and-true treatment for mental health, helping people recognize and transform their negative thought patterns. The mental health treatment program you choose should leverage techniques like this that have been proven effective in treating mental health conditions.

4. A Supportive Community

Finally, you’ll want to find a mental health treatment program that offers a therapeutic community instead of a traditional hospital environment. In a community setting, everyone receiving treatment supports each other’s recovery. This type of atmosphere helps you build a healthy support system and regain a sense of self-worth and confidence your mental health disorder may have taken from you.

You can find out if a mental health treatment center offers a supportive community by considering their alumni. For example, The Raleigh House has a wide-spread alumni network that hosts regular support sessions and takes an active role in helping current clients successfully complete treatment.

Discover Premier Mental Health Treatment in Denver

At The Raleigh House, we know your mental health condition can make you feel isolated and alone. But with some help, you can break free from the depression, stress or trauma that’s casting a shadow over your life.

We take a personalized approach to treatment, combining evidence-based therapies and experiential activities proven to be effective in treating mental health conditions like yours. From individual therapy with experienced therapists to equine therapy and rock climbing, our program will help heal your mind, body and spirit.

If you’re ready to overcome your mental health disorder, we’re here to support you. Contact our admissions team today to get started.

Call Now: 720-891-4657

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