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Six Points to remember when selecting a rehab

Selecting a rehab
Selecting a rehab

Many people have a difficult time choosing the right drug rehab center. In most cases they are unsure of which questions to ask, that to look for in a treatment program and whether or not the program has been successful. Here are six points to remember in choosing the right drug rehab center.

1. Will the program meet your needs?
Based on your reason for entering the program, you need to know if the center is qualified to help you with your particular needs. Ask about living conditions, rules, meals, or anything that would make you more comfortable before enrolling. If the program is a lock down facility you may not want to be in a situation like that. It is best to do plenty of research on how the program can actually help you stop drug use

2. What is the philosophy of the program?
There are many different philosophies when it comes to substance use: 12 step, non 12 step, disease or choice, holistic methods or educational methods. You want to make sure that the philosophy of the program is something that you believe or can believe in. If you have tried AA/NA or 12 steps before, it may be the right time to branch into something new such as a non 12 step drug program. Overall, you want to look for a program that will inspire you to change, provide encouragement and hope, and lead to lasting solutions. Key questions to ask about heroin rehab center can help guide your decision.

3. What is the daily schedule?
It is important to know how you will spend your day and what activities you will be engaging in, however a great program doesn’t have to have your whole day mapped out in therapy, which is the case at some drug rehab programs. While therapy can be effective in some cases, therapists may have a way of telling you what you should be doing, or influencing judgment. The best way to overcome drug use is to be in a judgment free zone, where you can express yourself freely and are not labeled.

4. How long will the program last?
As most people have to make arrangements when they go into a program, you need to know how long the program will last and what will be accomplished in that time. If you spend 30 days in a drug rehab only to be sent to a follow up program, this may be a clue that you will not gain that much in the rehab to independently solve your problem.

5. What is the cost of the program?
It is important that you know the total cost of the program and whether or not there will be any extra or hidden charges, such as what insurance does not cover, or down payments or deposits. Getting an upfront cost, will help you determine how to balance your finances in years ahead

6. What about after treatment?
Once you have completed the program…what next? Some programs are supported by a community based support program or ongoing therapy or counseling that is required or suggested after the program is complete. If you are referred to these after drug rehab, you might want to think about your decision to attend. Do you feel like you need a life time crutch to not use drugs again? If not and you do not want to attend endless recovery meetings, call St Jude’s, we can give you the lasting solution.

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