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3 Questions to Ask: Inpatient vs. Outpatient Painkiller Treatment

A group of two women and one man have a conversation over coffee.
For some people, the round-the-clock support—and camaraderie—of inpatient rehab is the right choice.


When it comes to rehab, there is no one right choice.

The easier choice, of course, is outpatient treatment. You don’t have to clear your work schedule, leave the comfort of your home or arrange for childcare. It’s also typically less expensive.

But the easy choice isn’t always the best choice. Here are three questions to ask yourself when trying to decide what rehab is right for you—or for your loved one.

  1.  How severe is my painkiller addiction?
    Some people are lucky enough to recognize that they have a problem with painkillers before too much time has passed. They may still be taking pills as prescribed by their doctor, but notice a growing psychological dependence and are concerned. People in this situation are likely to do well in outpatient treatment.
  2. What is my situation like at home?
    Very few of us are lucky enough to have family members who always do and say the right things. Addiction has a way of creating conflicts that may or may not be resolved at the time you decide to start treatment. But friends may be an even bigger problem. Will your buddies respect your recovery and ask you to go to a movie and a coffee shop? Or will they be texting you at 10 p.m. to go get a few drinks?
  3. What are my financial restraints?
    In an ideal world, 100 percent of treatment would be covered by insurance. Unfortunately, that’s not usually reality. But if you feel strongly that inpatient treatment is the right option for you, don’t let money be the determining factor. You may find insurance covers some of your costs and that your family is also able to help. You can also look into securing a drug rehabilitation loan. These generally offer affordable monthly payments and can extend as far as 84 months into the future. When rehab is a question of life and death—and it often is—money should not be the bottom line.

Inpatient Treatment for Painkillers

Rehab isn’t just a time to detox from painkillers. It’s the time to take a good look in the mirror and evaluate how you ended up here in the first place.

That takes time, effort and—usually—the kind of expert help you’ll find in rehab. Through both individual and group therapy sessions, you’ll learn what void painkillers filled in your life, as well as how to live a full and meaningful life without drugs.

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It's not uncommon to be fearful of rehab and the uncertainties of what's to come. But learning about our facility and what to expect during painkiller addiction treatment can help ease your mind and build excitement for the future.

When you’re in inpatient treatment, that kind of help will be available 24 hours a day. Plus, you won’t have the distractions of work or home. It will be your only job to get better.

You’ll also have the time to take advantage of the exercise opportunities offered at most rehabs. While your mind is healing, your body will be growing stronger.

You’ll leave rehab fitter, healthier, happier and ready to tackle the challenges and joys of life.

Outpatient Treatment for Painkillers

Therapy is the cornerstone of outpatient rehab. Just like at an inpatient treatment program, you’ll be putting in the time and work to figure out how your addiction occurred—and how to manage it in the future.

Because you’ll likely be squeezing these sessions in before and after work, you’ll be busy. But you’ll also be going home to your own bed every night.

Depending on how severe your addiction is and how supportive your family and friends are, outpatient treatment can be the door to a new and better life.

About The Raleigh House

The Raleigh House is a residential treatment center located in Denver that believes in a comprehensive approach to recovery. We don’t just treat the addiction. We treat the whole person, including mind, body and spirit. How do we do this? Through individual and group therapy, medical supervision, exercise, nutrition, supplements and by offering an amazing, supportive community. Fill out our form or call today to learn more about our painkiller addiction treatment program.

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