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How to Detox Safely: Supervised Detox with a Dedicated Nursing Staff

A female nurse comforting a patient going through medically supervised detox.
The clinical staff at The Raleigh House helps ensure you detox from drugs or alcohol as safely and comfortably as possible.

Think back to a time when you were in love. This is the type of love that got your heart racing uncontrollably and made you feel like the happiest and luckiest person in the world because your partner chose you.

But then, you were dumped. You were left in an emotional turmoil, craving your partner, tortured by happy memories. You’d do anything to get them back and you’re wondering what you could have done differently to make them happy. And when you finally felt like you were moving on, an old shirt, trinket or memory reminded you of that insatiable need for your ex-partner, just simmering beneath the surface.

This is what withdrawal from alcohol or drugs can feel like. You desperately crave that euphoria from substance abuse and dread the misery and discomfort withdrawal brings. Even if you’re tired of your addiction and have tried to detox before, the withdrawal symptoms may have been too much to take. This is where medically supervised detox and dedicated nursing can help.

How Do You Detox Safely?

It’s tempting to quit alcohol or drug use cold-turkey. But as you may have experienced the hard way, detoxing from substance abuse isn’t that easy. Addiction disrupts your brain’s natural ability to regulate your mood, impulses and decision-making. These are serious chemical changes taking place in your brain and central nervous system that don’t just go back to normal once you stop drinking or getting high.

When your brain has built up a reliance on alcohol or drugs, a lack of those substances causes uncomfortable and even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, like vomiting, trouble breathing, hallucinations and seizures. These withdrawal symptoms can then lead to a relapse where you take even higher doses of the drug than normal to try to ease the discomfort, risking overdose and death.

Because of the way addiction and withdrawal affect your body and mind, the safest way to detox and break free from substance abuse is by going to a treatment center that offers a medically supervised detox program with a dedicated nursing team.

3 Benefits of Medically Supervised Detox

1. Your Safety and Health are Prioritized

First and foremost, medically supervised detox makes sure your personal health and safety are top priority. At The Raleigh House, we have a highly experienced clinical staff who are licensed to provide medication and around-the-clock care as you’re going through detox. Our medically supervised detox process is designed to keep you as safe as possible while your body withdrawals and flushes out the alcohol or drugs.

2. You Have a Dedicated Team Caring for You

In a medically supervised detox, you have a professional team around you at all times to ensure you’re detoxing safely and don’t need additional medical attention. At The Raleigh House, our team includes experienced, credentialed nurses who monitor your progress at all hours of the day and night. But beyond their qualifications, the members of our dedicated nursing team are compassionate and empathetic. They’re not here to judge you or make you feel bad about detox. They truly care about your recovery and are here to guide, support and cheer you on every step of the way.

3. You’re Not Detoxing Alone

The stigma that comes with addiction may have you feeling like you’d prefer to detox on your own. You may dread other people seeing you in such a vulnerable state and prefer to hide. But not only is this isolation dangerous, it also doesn’t make detox easier. In a medically supervised detox program like at The Raleigh House, you have a dedicated team and the necessary medication to help you get through detox easier and safer than you would if you were on your own. Our detox program also offers the privacy and quiet you desire, allowing you to hide away from the rest of the world and truly focus on your recovery.

How Does Medically Supervised Detox Work?

The first step in any addiction treatment program is to assess your unique situation and addiction. This is because factors like the severity and length of your addiction affect your level of care and what sort of detox experience you’ll need.

For example, our clinical team at The Raleigh House will perform an initial assessment to learn about the substance(s) you’re addicted to and how extreme your substance abuse is. This will help us decide if you will need drugs like Suboxone to help you get through the detox process.

After your state of health and addiction severity are assessed, you’ll enter our detox program for up to 10 days. This is where our dedicated clinical team and nursing staff will monitor your progress, administer medication if needed and help you stabilize. Our team will be available 24/7 to support you, and you’ll be in a quiet, peaceful environment to help you relax as much as you can during this time.

We Can Help You Successfully Complete Detox at The Raleigh House

Contrary to how addiction has made you think or feel, you’re not alone in your battle. We aren’t here to judge you, shame you or make you feel worse about your substance abuse than you already do. Instead, we’re here to support you and get you through treatment safely and as comfortably as possible.

At The Raleigh House, we have over 10 years of experience helping people like you overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery. With our experience, credentials and ability to provide medication-assisted treatment, we’re set up to get you through detox successfully so that you can progress towards recovery in residential treatment and outpatient treatment.

If you’re ready to start treatment, our admissions team is available to take your call. Fill out our form or contact us today.

Call Now: 720-891-4657

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