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The Heroin Rehabilitation Process at The Raleigh House

A group of three women sits on the grass outside, laughing.
Rehab isn’t all laughs all the time, but there is a camaraderie that lasts far longer than 90 days.


You probably want to know what rehab at The Raleigh House will be like. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you.

That’s because every single person who walks through our doors has their own story to tell. Until we hear yours, we won’t know the exact ways in which we can best help you.

Here’s what we can tell you.

The first thing we’ll do is make you feel safe and comfortable. Our team of doctors, nurses and therapists will work with you to come up with a plan for your first week. Detoxing won’t be fun, but it will be bearable. There are lots of heroin addiction treatment options. We’ll find the best approach for you.

Although you’ll be cared for by top-notch medical experts, you won’t feel like you’re in a hospital. Instead, you’ll be living in a home with comfortable bedrooms, vibrant art, cozy living spaces and bright and cheery kitchens.

The cornerstone of your recovery will be time spent in individual and group therapy. You’ll be assigned your own master’s level therapist and, together, you’ll do the work of figuring out what led to your addiction. What holes were you perhaps trying to fill? What aspect of life might you have been trying to escape? What genetic challenges are you up against?

The goal isn’t just getting off of heroin. It’s making a blueprint for a new and better life.

We believe in a whole-person approach to recovery. Mental. Emotional. Physical. Spiritual. Social. It all plays a part.

Your meals will be prepared by a chef trained in a recovery diet and you’ll also have the support of our nutritionist. Heroin has depleted your body. You’ll be served meals—and supplements—to help you rebuild.

Just as importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to release your body’s natural supply of feel-good neurotransmitters by hitting the gym, going for a swim, taking a yoga class or even trying indoor rock climbing.

Life at Heroin Addiction Rehab Centers

That’s the big stuff, but the little moments of everyday life make a difference too. You’ll be spending your days with people facing the same struggle as you.

Hopefully, you have friends and family members who will support you, but they simply won’t be able to empathize in the same way as these new friends. Therapy is great, but so is hanging out on the back patio after dinner.

No one will promise you that rehab will be easy. But life isn’t easy either. Our mission is to give you the tools you need to overcome hurdles and embrace the good times that are certainly ahead.

Your Recovery at The Raleigh House

Recovery isn’t one-size-fits-all. At The Raleigh House, we’ll work with you—or your loved one—to help find the path that’s right for you. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the heroin addiction treatment program at The Raleigh House and how it can help you build a new life.

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