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5 Things a Credible Alcohol or Drug Rehabilitation Center DOESN’T Do

A young adult meditates in the grass during a sunset.
A fresh start in life is possible.

Deciding to get help is the most important decision you’ll ever make, and deciding WHERE to get that help is a close second.

That’s because the opioid crises has brought more than death and destruction with it. It has also sparked the rise of less-than-credible rehabs looking to take advantage of people in trouble.

With that in mind, here are five things that a credible rehab facility will never do.

1. Pressure You to Make a Decision Quickly

You should never feel pressured on the phone to hand over your insurance information or provide a credit card number.

It’s true that time is of the essence when dealing with an alcohol or drug addiction. However, you still shouldn’t feel pressured or rushed.

2. Tell You What You Want to Hear

If someone tells you that they can “heal” you in two weeks, that’s a warning sign. The same is true if you’re promised that recovery will be easy.

Research shows that 90-day rehabs are the most effective. Rehab does work, but you won’t find many people in recovery who would say that it was quick or easy.

3. Refuse to Provide You with References

Your privacy will be respected at a credible rehab. They will also be able to offer you references after securing the permission of their clients.

4. Tell You that Medicine Can Cure You

There are times when medication is an important and useful element of rehab, but it should never be the only approach to recovery. Any credible rehab program makes therapy the foundation of its treatment.

5. Not Answer Your Questions

You will likely have a lot of questions. If the person on the other end of the line isn’t willing to answer them, that’s a good sign to move on.

In some cases, you might think you’re talking to an actual rehab center when, in fact, you’re just talking to a broker who will take your info and sell it.

If the person on the phone can’t tell you where the facility is located, what kind of therapy is offered or what the staff-to-client ratio is, that’s a red flag to move on. Brokers are in it to make money; not necessarily to get you the best treatment for your situation.

Hope and Healing at The Raleigh House

The Raleigh House is a treatment center located in Denver where residents are given the help they need to rebuild their lives. Our team of experts works together to tackle both the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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