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6 Ways to Say You Don’t Drink on Thanksgiving

Friends dining around a table



You’re fine not drinking at Thanksgiving, so why does everybody else seem to have such a problem with it?

Some say you’re no fun anymore. Others may wonder and whisper about why you’re not drinking. Still others just come right out and ask you what’s going on.

The best thing you can do in situations like these is to have a response ready. Here are half dozen replies that may work as comebacks for not drinking.

”I’m taking some time off of drinking—and feeling great!”

This answer hints at the truth, but doesn’t get into details. Maybe you just don’t feel like telling your life story to the great aunt you see once a year. This answer should suffice. An even shorter version of this is to simply say, “I feel better when I don’t.”

”I’m trying to be healthier these days.”

Again, this answer is 100 percent true, but keeps your business private, if that’s what you want. It’s also incredibly common as there are so many people out there who are doing no-drinking challenges, giving up gluten, eating whole foods or giving up sugar.

”I’m driving.”

This should be a very easy response for people to accept, but occasionally you’ll have someone fire back, saying something along the lines of how that never stopped you before. “Well, it does now” or “I’ve wised up since then” should be enough to end the conversation.

”I can’t drink because of a medication I’m taking.”

This is not quite the truth—ok not at all. But there are times when you just need to get through a situation without any blow-ups or stress. If you’ve got the kind of family that will say something snarky, such as, “We’ll see how long it lasts” then this might be the best response to get you through the day.

Go with Humor

There are plenty of clever responses out there if you’re looking to keep things light. A few of the best are:
• I make a big enough fool of myself without alcohol.
• My liver asked me to stop.
• I’m charming enough without alcohol.

The Truth

We’ve learned so much about addiction in the last 20 years. It’s not a moral failing. It’s not a lack of will power. It’s a disease. What would you say if you were diabetic and someone offered you a piece of pie? You’d simply explain that you can’t have it because it’s not good for you. The same should be true of alcohol. There is no reason to ever feel ashamed or like you have to come up with a comeback for not drinking.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

At The Raleigh House in Denver, Colorado, we take a whole-person approach to recovery. That means we don’t just treat the physical addiction. We also help you heal psychologically, mentally, spiritually, mentally and socially. Rehab isn’t just about giving something up; it’s about getting your life back. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the alcohol addiction treatment program at The Raleigh House.

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