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Addiction Recovery Blog

Benefits of Being Sober from Pain Pills

Happy dad with his baby on his shoulders
Breaking free from painkiller addiction allows you to rediscover all of the beauty to be found in life.

At the beginning, painkillers seem to offer so much—a profound sense of physical and mental well-being.

But once addiction happens, the slide begins. You can lose your health, your friends, your job, your reputation and your family. Your sense of self-worth takes such a hit that you might not even think you deserve those things anymore.

The act of getting sober can bring all of that back.

There’s no question that it’s hard. But every day that you succeed in staying sober builds your self-worth and resolve. At the same time, your body and mind will heal.

Over time, life wont’ be about what you can’t have anymore. Instead, it will be about all of the good things that staying sober have given you. Real friendships. Restored relationships with family. Better health. Peace of mind. Self-confidence.

Getting Off Pain Pills

Most of us recognize the many benefits of being sober. The challenge is getting there.

The thing is, recovery is so much more than physical. It’s one thing to go through the withdrawal period and conquer the physical aspect of addiction. It can be much harder to get over the psychological aspect of addiction, especially when dealing with complex challenges like PCP addiction treatment, which requires a comprehensive approach to address both the mental and physical components of recovery.

Why did you get addicted in the first place? What made you vulnerable to addiction? What co-occurring conditions might you have?

These are all questions that must be answered to launch yourself on the road to recovery.

Recovery at The Raleigh House

It can be easy to slide into a true painkiller addiction. If you are mentally and physically addicted to pain pills, there is help. At The Raleigh House we take a whole-person approach to recovery. That means we address every aspect of addiction, including physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social. Each person who walks through our doors is assigned a master’s level therapist to assist in that journey. Fill out our form or call today if you’re interested in learning more about the painkiller addiction treatment at The Raleigh House.

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