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Bipolar Disorder and Painkillers

A fit man jogs down a boardwalk.
A new day—full of new possibilities—lies ahead for those willing to put time and effort into healing their mind and body.


If you have untreated bipolar disorder, you’d probably do anything to escape the crushing depression that can follow a manic episode.

Painkillers, which produce feelings of euphoria, will get the job done—as would heroin, alcohol, cocaine or many other drugs.

That’s called self-medicating (as opposed to getting properly treated by a doctor) and can lead to liver damage, addiction or even an overdose. Not to mention the damage that would be done to your mental health.

The bottom line?

Painkillers like Vicodin and Oxycodone are never used by doctors to treat bipolar disorder.

If you’re bipolar—or suffering from depression or some other mental illness—it’s natural and normal that you’d want to feel better. Painkillers are not the answer.

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The Right Treatment and Medication for Bipolar Disorder

If you’re addicted to painkillers (or any other drug) and also suffer from bipolar disorder (or any other mental disorder), there is only way out: To seek treatment for both conditions at a rehab center that specializes in dual diagnosis.

How do you find that?

You have to do your homework. Before choosing a treatment program, ask if they assess each resident for mental health disorders. Also ask if both the addiction and the co-occurring conditions are given the same level of attention and care. Make sure that they have experience in treating bipolar disorder. Lastly, ask if the treatment team is trained in treating those with a dual-diagnosis.

Finding Peace at The Raleigh House

You’ve been through things that most people couldn’t imagine. We can. That’s because we’ve welcomed—and treated—people just like you. Painkillers may have seemed like a way out, but they’re never a solution for mental illness. At The Raleigh House, you’ll be assigned your own master’s level therapist to guide you on your journey of recovery—from both painkiller abuse and any other co-occurring conditions you may be experiencing. Give us a call to discuss your recovery plan—or fill out our form to learn more about our painkiller addiction treatment program.

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