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What to Expect During Intake for Addiction Rehab


Young woman speaking to addiction professional during rehab intake.
During the addiction rehab intake process, you’ll be asked a series of questions to help determine if the program is a good fit for you.

If you’re thinking about investing in a residential addiction treatment program for alcohol or drug dependency, you might be anxious about how it works and what you’re getting yourself into. In part one of this four-part blog series, we’ll walk you through the entire process, starting with what to expect during intake for addiction rehabilitation.

What is the Addiction Rehab Intake Process?

The addiction rehab intake process varies by provider, but the ultimate goal is to help clinicians understand whether an addiction rehab program is an appropriate fit for you and vice versa. In order to accomplish this, the best inpatient addiction treatment providers will look at the following factors during the rehab intake process:

  • Your personal history of substance abuse
  • Your family history of addiction
  • Your pre-existing or co-occurring conditions (both physical and psychological)
  • Your nutritional deficiencies
  • Your goals for treatment and ongoing recovery

These are just a few of the considerations your addiction rehab center will take into account during the rehab intake process. If you have any questions about the program, the accommodations or the facility’s approach to drug rehab, now is the best time to ask.

3 Questions You May be Asked During Addiction Rehab Intake

Given the purpose of the rehab intake process, you should be prepared to answer a variety of questions pertaining to your relationship with drugs or alcohol. A few of the most commonly asked questions during rehab intake include the following:

Q: What substances do you use and how much/often do you use them?

How to Answer: Many people feel tempted to downplay or underestimate their substance use. However, don’t be afraid to be honest. The professionals at your addiction rehab center need to understand what they’re dealing with to effectively recommend a treatment program for your unique needs. Hiding the truth now will only impede your progress.

Q: Do you have any clinically diagnosed physical or mental health problems?

How to Answer: It’s important to answer this question as accurately and completely as you can because certain prescription medications and psychological conditions may impact your treatment program. You should also mention any over-the-counter supplements you may be using.

Q: What is your relationship with family & friends?

How to Answer: Addiction professionals need to understand the role of interpersonal relationships in your life. These relationships, along with your living environment, help define who you are and can provide valuable insight into the nature of your drug or alcohol addiction.

Make the Most of Your Addiction Rehab Intake

Remember, rehab intake isn’t just a time for you to answer questions; it’s a time for you to get answers too! Make sure you use this opportunity to ask your own questions and put your mind at ease about you can expect during the next phases of your addiction rehab program. Stay tuned for part two of our four-part series, What to Expect During Residential Addiction Rehab.

In the meantime, if you or someone you care about needs help now, don’t wait. The Raleigh House is a professional addiction rehab program in Denver that offers comprehensive drug treatment in a comfortable, residential setting. Fill out our contact form, or call today.

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