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7 Reasons to Start Your Addiction Recovery Before the Holidays

A woman struggling with her addiction during the holiday season.
Going to treatment before the end of the year offers many benefits, including preventing you from drinking or using drugs during the holidays.

You know you have a drug problem, but you’ve been putting off seeking treatment for one reason or another. And with the year quickly winding down, you tell yourself that going to rehab will be your new year’s resolution.

“I’ll treat rehab the same way other people will treat getting into shape,” you assure yourself. “While others will get a gym membership at the start of the new year, I’ll enroll in rehab.”

This is certainly an appealing approach. You get to drink or continue using drugs during the holidays, while committing to some arbitrary day in the future to enter rehab. Unfortunately, like many new year’s resolutions, your intentions to get addiction treatment may falter.

If you’re ready to get treatment and recover from your addiction, the best time to enter rehab is before Thanksgiving and Christmas. Keep reading to discover 7 reasons why you should begin your addiction recovery before the holidays and end of the year.

Addiction Recovery Before the Holidays: Reasons to Enter Rehab Now

1. Avoid Additional Holiday Triggers and Temptations

For some, the holidays are a time to celebrate. For others, Thanksgiving and Christmas bring up negative memories and feelings they’d rather forget. In either case, the holidays present many opportunities to drink and indulge in substances that make you feel good. By going into rehab before the holiday season begins, you’ll be able to avoid triggers and temptations that lead to your drinking or drug use.

2. Take Advantage of End-of-Year Insurance Benefits

Your healthcare coverage includes items like premiums and deductibles. At the beginning of every year, your out-of-pocket limits and deductibles reset. If you’ve already used up some or all of your deductible, now is the time to enter addiction treatment to try to lower the cost you’ll have to pay on your own. If you’re not sure if you’ve met your deductible or have questions about your insurance coverage for treatment, we can help you get the answers you need.

3. Give Your Family Peace of Mind

Odds are your family is worried about your substance abuse. They may have even tried to persuade you to get treatment once or twice before. Instead of movies, books or clothes, the greatest gift you can give your family this year is your recovery and sobriety. Your family may miss you during this year’s festivities, but going to treatment now could mean years and years of future holidays where your family gets to spend time with a healthy, sober you.

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4. Give Yourself Time to Heal and Get Healthy

Besides your family, you owe it to yourself to overcome substance abuse and any dual diagnosis disorders you may be struggling with. Your life wasn’t meant to be dictated by alcohol or drugs. You deserve so much more than that. Addiction treatment can help you feel valued again and give you the tools to become the healthy person you were always meant to be. Start by thinking of all things you’re thankful for. Let that gratitude become the foundation for taking the first step in recovery.

5. Celebrate the Holidays with Others Who are Trying to Get Sober

Addiction is an isolating disease that can make you feel like no one understands what you’re going through. One of the best parts about addiction treatment is meeting others who have struggled with and experienced the same things you have. Being in rehab during the holidays gives you a chance to bond with those in treatment and celebrate your journey towards recovery together.

6. Learn How to Celebrate Without Alcohol or Drugs

Is your first instinct during the holidays or any special occasion to drink or use drugs? In addiction treatment, you’ll explore why you turn to substance abuse so often and identify additional triggers that influence your addiction. You’ll then develop new coping skills and techniques, so you can celebrate in healthier ways next year.

7. Plan New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

New year’s resolutions are difficult to keep because they require you to change bad habits that you’ve gotten used to. In addiction treatment, you’ll learn new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving to help you manage and reject cravings and triggers. You can then apply these same healthy patterns of thinking and behaving to other aspects of your life, which can help you create new year’s resolutions – like getting into shape or going back to school – that you can pursue and complete using your new found knowledge.

Start Your Recovery Journey Today at The Raleigh House

Are you ready to break free from addiction? At The Raleigh House, we can help you get there. We offer a holistic approach to treatment and a continuum of care (from detox and residential treatment to outpatient treatment and sober living) that will guide you through every stage of your treatment and recovery journey.

If you’re ready to learn more, we’re here to answer your questions and talk more about our unique and effective approach to addiction treatment. Contact us today to learn more.

Call Now: 720-891-4657

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