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5 Ways Technology Can Help You Stay Busy in Recovery

A man playing his Nintendo Switch inside his house.
If you’re feeling bored or alone during social distancing, technology can help you stay busy.

There’s a saying that the keys to recovery include connection and finding purpose. When you were abusing drugs or alcohol, you felt isolated. You may have even been drinking or getting high because you were bored. But once you started your recovery journey, the social connections you built and the purpose you regained in life broke down the walls that made you feel alone.

But in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19), all of that has been disrupted. Stay at home orders, social distancing and cancelled meetings are throwing you off balance. And for the first time since you started your recovery, you might feel a level of uncertainty about your progress.

While you might feel more isolated during these uncertain times, we’re lucky enough to live in a time where technology has advanced enough to help you fill the gap. In this post, we’re going to share some of the ways technology can help you stay connected during your recovery.

How to Use Technology During Social Distancing

1. Take Online Classes to Expand Your Horizons

When you’re in recovery, boredom is the enemy. And with many of us locked down because of COVID-19, it’s natural to be looking for productive ways to fill your extra time. Is there a new skill or topic you’ve always wanted to know more about but never had the time to learn? Now is the perfect time to take an online class to learn the latest skills in your career.

Coursera offers a wide variety of online courses and certifications for you to explore. Complete a class on computer science or take the first step in learning a new language. Either way, taking an online class can help you stay focused on a goal rather than letting your negative thought patterns get the best of you.

2. Listen to Podcasts

Chances are, someone in your life has recommended a podcast to you. With stay at home orders in place due to COVID-19, why not start listening to one that you’re interested in? There are podcasts for almost any topic or subject that you can imagine. And what’s great is that they can help you learn and become more involved in your interests. Plus, you’ll get the added benefit of hearing some fresh perspectives and opinions.

If the extra stress caused by COVID-19 is starting to cast a shadow over your recovery, there are podcasts that can help. If you need an extra boost in your recovery, try out the “Busy Living Sober” podcast. This podcast is all about giving people in recovery more opportunities to listen and learn about the sober lifestyle without being afraid to have fun along the way.

3. Dive into The Raleigh House App

Throughout your recovery journey, there’s going to be good days and bad days. And when those bad days happen, having a community that knows how it feels can go a long way. With The Raleigh House App, you’ll have more opportunity to connect with others and find support for your recovery. While it might seem a little intimidating at first, being active on an app can help you:

• Connect with alumni from The Raleigh House in recovery through posts and comments
• Develop a wider support system by building strong connections with other users through direct messaging and conversations
• Give you access to a collection of recovery podcasts, blogs and articles that offer advice on staying sober

During these unprecedented times, there’s a recovery community that would be happy to welcome you with open arms. Text “TRHAAPP” to 555888 to learn more.

4. Play Video Games

Video games have come a long way since the iconic arcades of the 1980s. Now, you can stay connected to your friends and family by playing together online. You’ll get to spend time with your loved ones while teaming up to accomplish a common goal. If you’re interested in video games, the Nintendo Switch is worth a look.

Nintendo Switch has a variety of family friendly games like Super Smash Bros Ultimate to bring some friendly competition to your quarantine. Plus, the Nintendo Switch has a few extra benefits that come in handy during social distancing. If your TV is in high demand at your house, you can undock your Nintendo Switch and play in “handheld” mode.

If you live on your own or don’t have a Nintendo Switch, there are videogames you can access on your computer or PS4 that allow you to play with family, friends or even fellow gamers from around the world.

5. Practice Yoga and Meditation Online

An important part of recovery is strengthening your relationship with yourself. Yoga and meditation are great options to clear your head and calm your emotions. Even if you’re a beginner, there are plenty of online resources you can use to improve your practice.

Meditation: Meditation isn’t as hard as you might think. But it does take practice. Luckily, there are great guided meditation channels on YouTube that can show you the ropes. The Honest Guys have a variety of guided mediation videos that tackle many of the emotions you’ll likely encounter during recovery.

Yoga: There’s no shortage of yoga YouTube channels. But Yoga with Adriene is a good option for people in recovery. Many of her videos talk about throwing away thoughts of comparison and focusing on yourself – A lesson that can give you a fresh perspective with your recovery.

Find What it Means to Be Yourself Again at The Raleigh House

COVID-19 is serving as a serious challenge for people in recovery. If you’re struggling with a substance abuse disorder or have relapsed, you can find support at The Raleigh House. Our addiction treatment in Colorado comes with an expert continuum of care. What makes our program special is that we help you reach recovery while identifying the root cause of your addiction.

If you’re ready for a sober life, The Raleigh House can give you a place to start. We can help you find healthy ways to cope and show you skills that promote lasting recovery. Find hope that feels possible. Contact our expert addiction team today.

Call Now: 720-891-4657

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