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Relapse Prevention and Positive Peer Pressure

A group of friends shares a meal at a pizzeria.
Sober living shouldn’t be boring or lonely.

We tend to think of peer pressure as something that only children and teens have to deal with. But the truth is that adults can be just as vulnerable.

The last thing anyone needs is to get out of rehab and be told they’re no fun anymore because they don’t drink. Or that “just one time” won’t be a problem.

The easy answer is to stop hanging out with people who are a threat to your recovery. But it’s also not healthy to spend all of your time alone. And that’s why it’s so important to seek out positive peer influences.

How to Find Positive Peer Influences

The first thing to realize is that, like all aspects of recovery, finding true friends takes time. And it won’t happen if you don’t invest any energy in the effort. Here are few steps to get started:

  • Strengthen relationships you already have with friends and family members who don’t drink or use drugs. Invite an old friend to get coffee, go for a hike, grab dinner or check out a new museum exhibit.
  • Use social media and hashtags like #sober #soberlife #sobriety and #soberliving to meet like-minded people.
  • Check out Meetup and search for a group using the terms “sober” and “non-drinker.”
  • Join groups or take classes that are focused on healthy living or other hobbies. While it’s certainly possible that there may be drinkers in your new knitting or running club, chances are probably also good that their lives won’t revolve around drinking or drugs.
  • Be open with people about your recovery. You’ll likely find that, by sharing your story, you’ll encourage people to tell you theirs.

Finding a Relapse Prevention Group

Most people know about AA and NA, but there are many other groups that may be helpful to your recovery, as well. They include Women for Sobriety, SMART Recovery, Secular Organizations for Recovery and Christians in Recovery.

Hope and Healing at The Raleigh House

The Raleigh House is a residential treatment center located in Denver where you can get the help you need to heal and grow. Our team of experts works together to tackle the physical, psychological, mental, emotional, spiritual and social aspects of addiction. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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