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How to Heal: Family Support for Addiction

A mature couple drives in a convertible.
Recovery from addiction is a journey, both for the person directly affected and their family.

Your loved one is finally in rehab—and it’s likely the only thing that’s mattered to you for a long time.

This is definitely a time to appreciate and celebrate, but it’s also a time to begin the work of healing on your own end. Addiction is a cyclone of destruction. You may not have received a direct hit—like your loved one did—but look around and you’ll see that a whole lot of damage has been done.

Addiction Family Support Groups

Chances are you’re in a mental tug-of-war right now. You want with everything in you to believe that rehab will change your loved one for good. At the same time, you’ve heard far too many stories of people relapsing, so you’re afraid to hope—too much.

Joining a support group for people affected by addiction won’t give you all the answers, but it will give you the immense comfort of knowing that you are not alone. Other people share your hopes, dreams and fears.

In addition to feeling understood, a support group may provide you with new ways of thinking of things. You may meet someone, for instance, whose husband relapsed three times, but has now been sober for a year. You may get a great book recommendation or even meet someone who becomes a lifelong friend.

Therapy for Addiction Family Support

Chances are, addiction has changed the dynamics in your family—and not for the better. What’s more, you’ve been hurt and have to find a way to forgive your loved one.

Family therapy is an integral part of any good rehab program. The goal is to begin the hard work of resolving issues before your loved one leaves rehab.

But it’s not just your relationship with your loved one that may be affected. Take a look at the other people in your life, including parents, children and your spouse. What wedges or conflicts might have been caused by addiction?

Take Care of Yourself

How long has it been since you’ve enjoyed a night out? What’s the last movie you’ve seen or concert you’ve been to?

Nobody can promise you that it will all be smooth sailing from here on out. Like any disease, addiction will have its highs and lows, even after rehab. But doesn’t that sound like life in general?

Try to keep your fear in check by remembering that relapse isn’t the end of things. It’s just a pause.

Enjoy this time for what it is—a time of hope, a new beginning—and do something for yourself. Stay out late or sleep in late. Bake cookies or go for a run. Do whatever it is that you haven’t done for yourself because you’ve been so preoccupied by helping your loved one.

Family Support for Addiction Recovery and The Raleigh House

The Raleigh House is a treatment center located in Denver where residents are given the help they need to rebuild their lives. Our team of experts works together to tackle both the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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