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5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Stay Sober

Man and child holding hands across a table
There are many ways you can encourage a loved one in his or her sobriety.

It’s a big moment when your loved one agrees to get help for drug or alcohol abuse.

But it doesn’t take long before questions start creeping into your mind. And there’s one concern that seems to top the list for many: What if my loved one is tempted again and how can I help prevent a relapse?

How to Prevent Relapse

Getting sober is only half the battle. Staying sober is, of course, the real goal. How to stay sober is the question.

That work begins at a quality rehab (we’ll get to that in a minute), but there are also things you can do to help your loved one.

How to Help Your Loved One Stay Sober

Everyone is different, of course, but here are some general strategies for helping your friend or family member stay sober.

  • Don’t compare. Nobody wants to hear how your friend’s sister’s daughter is going to two meetings a day. Or how somebody else you know is already enrolled in community college. Let your loved one progress at his or her own pace, without constant comparisons to other people.
  • Be supportive. Offer to give rides to meetings, if that’s an issue. Also, just be available to talk, trying your best to listen without rushing to “fix” everything. Strive to be an active and non-judgmental listener.
  • Focus on health. A healthy lifestyle can go a long way in helping your loved one feel good during their recovery. Head to your local farmers market and prepare a meal together. Go for walks, to the gym or on a bike ride. Play tennis, golf or shoot some baskets.
  • Let the past go. The last thing anyone in recovery needs is to be reminded of how they hurt you while they were still using drugs or alcohol. If you can’t let the past go, seek help in the form of a support group or therapy.
  • Be patient. Recovery is a journey, not an event. Your loved one will make mistakes along the way. Give them the time they need to rebuild their life.

Alcohol and Drug Relapse Prevention at The Raleigh House

You’ve probably heard it said that the best defense is a strong offense. That’s absolutely true when it comes to addiction and relapse prevention. Just getting someone off of drugs or alcohol is the equivalent of playing defense.

At The Raleigh House, a residential treatment center located in Denver, we believe in playing offense. That means our goal isn’t just to get our residents sober; It’s to also teach them the coping skills and tools they need to build a new life for themselves.

Everyone who walks through our doors is assigned their own master’s level trained therapists. Together, they will get to the root cause of addiction and also help develop a strategy to manage and enjoy life without drugs or alcohol. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our 90-day drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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