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Addiction Recovery Blog

The Best Rehab Centers and the Internet

female doctor talking while explaining medical treatment to patient in the consultation.
Make sure you have all the information you need before selecting a treatment program.

It’s hard to imagine a time when you’re more vulnerable. You’re addicted to drugs or alcohol and are hurting physically and mentally. You need help and have finally decided to get it.

Like most people, you turn to Google.

And, like most people, you click at one of the links on the top. That’s when things start to go bad.

Allow us to explain: The way Google has worked in the past is that advertisers bid for search words. If they win, their ads appear at the top of the free search results. When someone—maybe you—clicks on one of those ads, Google gets paid.

But the problems is that addiction—unlike, say, peanut butter—is a $35 billion industry. For every client a rehab center attracts, they could make tens of thousands of dollars. So you can imagine that the price of those clicks skyrocketed. In fact, according to Bloomberg Businessweek, $187 per click was the suggested bidding price for a popular search phrase just a month ago.

And who was paying that much for potential customers? Sure, there were some quality rehabs, but there were also companies preying on desperate people—and their families.

Some of the advertisers were just call centers that posed as rehabs, but then sold their leads to the highest bidder. Others lied about their services or their locations. Still others had been charged with fraud or other infractions.

That all changed this September, when Google announced that it would stop selling ads relating to searches for treatment programs. There are still a few paid advertisers floating to the top of some searches. That’s because Google first tackled the 70,000 most common search terms.

In general, though, the days of this particular con are over.

So How Do You Find the Best Drug Rehabs?

While it will certainly be easier now to find a quality treatment program, that doesn’t mean that you should go with the first facility that pops up on your computer screen. Instead, look for rehabs where the staff and leadership embrace the following values.

  • They don’t just treat the addiction, but also treat co-occurring conditions such as mood disorder, anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder.
  • They offer family therapy.
  • They have a professionally licensed clinical staff.
  • They rely on proven scientific data, not just the old way of doing things.
  • They offer one-on-one and peer group therapy.
    They offer 12-step recovery fellowship opportunities.
    They offer recreational opportunities.
  • They offer 12-step fellowship opportunities.
  • They offer recreational opportunities.
  • They offer a whole-person approach to treatment, which means they address the addiction on all levels, including mental, physical, nutritional, social, emotional and spiritual.
  • They provide a setting where you would feel comfortable spending significant time.
  • They have received the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval, an unbiased indicator of quality that cannot be bought.

Hope, Health and Healing at The Raleigh House

The Raleigh House is a residential treatment center located in Denver where healing begins in a nurturing, relaxed home environment. Withdrawal symptoms are addressed and managed by a team of doctors, nurses and therapists. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs at The Raleigh House.

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