The short answer is yes, according to an Australian study that found the participants’ odds of developing psychosis were 5.2 times higher when they were using meth.
The only thing worse than using meth? Using it in combination with alcohol or marijuana. When that happened, the odds of psychosis were doubled.
Meth Hallucinations
The feeling that the police are after you. Bugs crawling under your skin. A giant worm that hovers threateningly over your bed. Animals that want to dance with you.
Meth hallucinations can vary wildly. Some are what you call a “bad trip” and cause paranoia and fear that can last for hours or days. Others may be less threatening, but nonetheless cause a detachment from reality.
Meth and Hallucinations and Addiction
As troubling as delusions and paranoia can be, it’s hardly the worst thing that comes along with meth. Regular users also run the risk of stroke, ruining their skin and teeth, and becoming addicted.
Once addiction sets in, changes occur in the brain that can make it more difficult to feel any pleasure other than that offered by meth. And that’s exactly why so many people find that they need professional help to get better and reclaim their lives.
Hope and Healing at The Raleigh House
At The Raleigh House in Denver, Colorado, we take a whole-person approach to recovery. That means we don’t just get the meth out of your system. We work with you to help you recover psychologically, mentally, spiritually and socially as well. Rehab isn’t just about giving something up; it’s about getting your life back. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the crystal meth addiction treatment program at The Raleigh House.