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Cocaine Rehab Success Rates: How to Get the Most out of Rehab

A young man sits in a chair, looking out the window.
Focus and determination go a long way in laying the foundation for your life’s next chapter.


Cocaine addiction recovery statistics don’t tell the whole story. Nearly a million people in the United States abuse cocaine, but there is only one you.

The question is, what can you do lay the foundation for a lasting recovery?

Step 1: Seek Treatment

Cocaine withdrawal doesn’t make you physically sick like withdrawal from heroin or alcohol does.

That can lead many people to believe that it’s easy to stop using. Something they can definitely do on their own.

What they’re not taking into account are ways that quitting cocaine can affect you psychologically. No, you might not feel nauseous, but you are likely to experience depression, agitation and anxiety.

Those are the feelings that drive people to use again.

At rehab, you’ll have the support—and medical expertise—of a staff trained to help you work through those feelings.

Step 2: Define Your Goals

Cocaine started out as a fun night, but slowly began to take control of your life.

You’ve decided that you want your life back.

Now is a great time to write down some thoughts. What is it exactly that you want out of life. Better health? More money? A general feeling of well-being?

Whatever your reasons are, write them all down. Your list will be an important tool for you during the inevitable low points that come along during recovery.

Step 3: Build Relationships

To get the most out of rehab, you’ll want to invest in relationships.

This begins with your primary therapist. He or she is there to guide you on your recovery journey and to help you explore the psychological aspect of your addiction. Why did you start using in the first place? What kept you coming back to cocaine? What will you have to do to rebuild your life?

At the same time, you’ll have the chance to benefit from group therapy. This is your chance to experience fellowship, combat loneliness and learn more tools to use in your fight against addiction. It may take time for you to feel comfortable opening up to other people, but try to be an active participant.

Lastly, most treatment programs will also offer opportunities for family therapy. When rehab is over, the last thing anyone needs is to go back to their old life full of resentment and issues. Family therapy offers a chance to begin working through issues while you’re still in treatment, which will allow you a fresh start when you return home.

Step 4: Give Yourself Time

Accept that your mind and body are in recovery—and that it will not happen overnight. Look for a rehab program that gives you the opportunity to recover at your own pace (science suggest that at least 90 days is best).

Imagine a life in which the dramatic highs and lows of cocaine are replaced by genuine—and long lasting—feelings of joy and peace.

That life can be yours. But there are no shortcuts.

Hope—an Freedom—at The Raleigh House

The Raleigh House is a residential treatment center located in Denver that believes addiction isn’t just a physical problem. That is especially true of cocaine, which changes the way the brain works. Our team of doctors, therapists, nurses and even a nutritionist knows how to best help—and give hope to—those in recovery for cocaine abuse. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the cocaine addiction treatment program at The Raleigh House.

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