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How Depression and Anxiety Disorders Are Related

A man plays on the beach by the water with his dog, happy he’s no longer depressed or anxious.
No matter how bad things may seem, there is way to free yourself from anxiety and depression.

It seems unfair that someone could suffer from both anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon.

Before we get into how it all that works, let’s cut to the core message: both depression and anxiety are treatable.
Depression will lie to you and tell you there is no hope for the future, but that’s not true. Anxiety will make you fear that your condition will only become worse, but that also isn’t true.

The Link Between Depression and Anxiety

It’s true that depression and anxiety are two distinct disorders. Depression is a feeling of persistent sadness and loss of hope in the future.

Anxiety, meanwhile, is defined as an intense, excessive worry about everyday situations. It’s normal to feel anxious if you’re waiting for a test result; it’s not normal to worry when you walk down the street.

In a way, the two are opposite conditions; one is marked by too much thought and energy, and the other is marked by too little.

Although no one knows quite why, they are intertwined. One study found that 85 percent of those with major depressive order also experienced anxiety. And when the conditions occur together, symptoms of each disorder are usually more severe.

It’s also possible to experience depression and anxiety in different ways on different days. A person who suffers a panic attack, for example, may end up feeling drained and hopeless later on.

Depression, Anxiety and Addiction

Many people with depression and anxiety use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. They use these substances to feel relief from their symptoms.

In fact, statistics show that some 7.9 million people in the U.S. experience both a mental disorder and substance use disorder, according to a survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

But using, of course, doesn’t solve anything. Instead, it just spirals a person further into depression and anxiety. The only way out is to have any mental health conditions treated at the same time as the addiction.

That’s called dual diagnosis rehab, and it truly does offer a path out of the darkness.

Addiction, Depression, and Anxiety Treatment at The Raleigh House

The Raleigh House is a treatment center located in Denver, Co, where residents are given the help they need to rebuild their lives. Our team of experts work together to tackle both the physical and mental aspects of addiction. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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