Heroin addiction is like a lens that zooms in on its subject. Eventually, there’s nothing left in the picture except for the drug. Family and friends are still there, but they’re out-of-focus and unimportant.
That can lead to a lot of damage.
And, no matter how much you love someone, it’s simply impossible to be in a healthy relationship with a heroin addict.
Rehab isn’t just about breaking free from the physical addiction to heroin. It’s also about healing emotionally and spiritually—and repairing relationships that have been damaged by heroin addiction, which is essential to understanding the profile of a heroin addict.
Should you Stay?
This isn’t a question that anyone can answer for you. However, there are a few important questions that you should ask yourself.
- Am I scared of being alone?
- Am I worried that I won’t find anyone better?
- Have I (or my children) been abused physically or verbally?
- What is heroin’s impact on my finances?
- How does heroin impact my daily life?
- Do I put my partner’s heroin addiction above your own needs (co-dependency)?
- Does my loved one refuse to seek help?
Leaving doesn’t mean that you don’t love your partner anymore. What it does mean is that you won’t watch—or enable—them to continue to use heroin and self-destruct.
It’s also important to remember that you aren’t closing the door forever. When your partner finally makes the decision to seek help and get better, you can reevaluate the relationship and consider how to Help Your Loved One Stop Heroin in a supportive way.
Unfortunately, there is no easy answer when it comes to heroin addiction. It won’t be easy to leave. But it will probably be even harder to stay. Overcoming the fear of heroin rehab is a significant step for both you and your partner in the journey toward recovery.
Hope and Healing at The Raleigh House
Every person we see walk through our doors is loved by someone—and has damaged that relationship through drug use. At The Raleigh House, we believe that rebuilding those relationships is an important part of the healing process. Recovery isn’t just about getting off of heroin; it’s about building a new—and better—life that can be enjoyed together with family and friends. By focusing on connection, you can discover ten reasons to live heroin-free and foster a supportive environment for lasting recovery. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the heroin addiction treatment program at The Raleigh House.