Did you know that moths and butterflies are closely related and have more similarities than you think? This may be hard to believe, since we often stop to admire butterflies and ignore or swat away moths when they fly by.
While their colors may be different, both are members of the Class Insecta. Butterflies and moths also share common traits like an exoskeleton and three pairs of legs. While there are still many differences between the two, they also share similarities – just like the drugs meth and Adderall.
Meth and Adderall are two different drugs, but they actually share more similarities than you may think. Keeping reading to find out the details.
How are Adderall and Meth Similar
It might be surprising to learn that Adderall and meth are pretty close to each other on a molecular level. While the drugs are not exactly the same, you can think of them as close cousins. Both substances are stimulants and are members of the amphetamine drug category. These similarities mean that both of these drugs impact the brain in the same ways.
When you take Adderall or meth, the neurotransmitters in your brain are flooded with a rush of dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical that plays a role in motivation and pleasure. Increased levels of dopamine can improve concentration, which is why Adderall is used to treat attention deficit disorder.
Adderall and meth are actually considered the same drug in some medical circles. However, Adderall is considered more socially acceptable, since it is a prescription drug. Meth, on the other hand, is an illicit drug that is widely known to be dangerous and cause addiction. However, Adderall can also trigger an addiction if not taken as prescribed.
The Dangers of Adderall Addiction
Many people assume that since Adderall was prescribed to them, that it poses no risk. But Adderall is one of the most abused drugs in the country. Just like meth, repeated abuse of Adderall can actually change the chemistry of your brain. Over time, your brain gains a tolerance to the drug and you need to take more to get the same euphoric effects.
Adderall and Meth Withdrawal
Since Adderall and meth are so close in their chemical structure, withdrawal for these drugs is similar. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include:
- Exhaustion
- Anxiety and nervousness
- Depression
- Strong cravings for the drug
- Trouble concentrating and intense headaches
- Feelings of paranoia
Many of these symptoms can become intense enough that they cause people to relapse. That’s why it is recommended to detox at an expert addiction treatment center like The Raleigh House. You’ll have medical professionals to help manage your symptoms while they work to keep you as comfortable as possible.
The Differences Between Meth and Adderall
While meth and Adderall are created using many of the same chemicals, there are some differences between the two. For starters, meth contains more “dextroamphetamine”, the chemical that causes intense euphoria after use.
Another main difference between meth and Adderall is the production of the drugs. Adderall is often produced in a controlled lab where the quality and chemical composition are closely monitored. That means each pill has the exact same potency and ingredients.
Meth is a different story. Since meth is illegal, there’s way more variables during its production. The lack of quality control can make some batches of meth stronger or weaker than others. This unmonitored production can also result in batches of meth being laced with other drugs and toxic chemicals that are much more life-threatening. Additionally, users should be aware of Meth Mouth Symptoms & Prevention, as the drug can severely impact dental health.
Meth Carries A Higher Risk of Overdose
While an overdose from Adderall is possible, it is uncommon due to the strict production standards that are in place.
On the other hand, it is much more likely to overdose on meth because of its high potency and dangerous production process. Meth also metabolizes much slower in your body than Adderall, with around 50 percent of the drug still in your system after 12 hours. This only increases the risk of an overdose, which can lead to various health issues, including Meth Addiction and Skin Problems that often arise from prolonged use.
Take Back What Addiction Has Stolen from You
At The Raleigh House, we know how hard it can be to break free from a meth or Adderall addiction. And even though you might feel alone, you can find personalized support for your recovery journey.
Our addiction treatment center in Denver has over 10 years of experience using evidence-based treatments to help our clients heal. We also offer a safe and comfortable detox process. With a focus on Effective Treatment Options for Meth Addiction, we have medical and addiction professionals ready to ease your withdrawal symptoms and monitor your progress.
You have the potential to break free from addiction. All it takes is one courageous step to get started. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get on the path to lasting recovery.