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Addiction Recovery Blog

Alcoholics May Suffer Brain Damage And Changes In Normal Behavior


Excessive alcohol consumption directly affects the brain cells by slowing down their responses and impairing their metabolism. Alcohol has direct toxic effects on the brain when the capacity of the liver to eliminate alcohol from the body is exceeded. However alcohol can also affect the brain indirectly in many other ways. It can cause a poor absorption of food components such as vitamins minerals or antioxidants in the stomach and intestines which indirectly affects the nutrition of nerve cells. It can alter the ability of the liver to protect the body from toxins and metabolic byproducts and the brain is the first organ to suffer. Soon after the initial damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption severe psychological changes occur which define a typical alcoholic. The brain becomes dependent upon the temporary relaxing and calming effects of alcohol and if the alcoholic does not drink soon enough withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety irritation aggression agitation and insomnia may occur.

The family and close friends are the first to take the hit when an alcoholic is denied his or her drink. The person may lose his or her job may become isolated because former friends try to avoid him or her and the family may reach a point when they no longer see hope for a happy life. The Raleigh House is a specialized rehab center that can transform people suffering from alcohol abuse in fully functional individuals through professional services that include a thorough assessment and diagnosis management of withdrawal symptoms alcohol detoxification and professional counseling.
